List of publications

List of advocacy materials for the ILO project "Gender-sensitive labour migration policies in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica-Panama and Haiti-Dominican Republic corridors” 2011-2014

List of Advocacy material

The project sensitized beneficiaries (migrant workers), employers and the public with awareness-raising campaigns and other significant advocacy material such as:

Informative Passport on labour rights and information for migrant workers from Nicaragua to Costa Rica. Pasaporte informativo sobre derechos laborales e información migratoria de las personas trabajadoras migrantes Nicaragua-Costa Rica. /wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/---sro-san_jose/documents/publication/wcms_250200.pdf

Ø Radio spot on Access to justice. Cuña radial acceso a la justicia.

Ø Materials produced for a Regional Campaign on Domestic Work “Work like no other, rights as any other”“Trabajo como ningún otro, derechos como cualquier otro”. (/sanjose/sala-de-prensa/WCMS_247384/lang--es/index.htm):

o Brochure “Trabajo como ningún otro, derechos como cualquier otro”, on labour conditions of domestic workers in the Central American Region, Panama and the Dominican Republic.

o Magnets for refrigerators with the inscription “Domestic Workers have rights”, promoting participation in labour unions

o Brochure “Domestic workers take care of your home and care for your family” which provides information on legislation on domestic work in each country of the region.

o Notebooks for shopping lists with messages related to basic rights of domestic workers;

o Bags with messages related to labour rights of domestic workers.

o Short videos animations related to legal working hours, wages, social security and pension benefits. A total of 3 videos animations were made: one for the Dominican Republic, and others for the rest of the countries, considering differences in local legislations regarding labour guarantees.

Ø “How to travel safe to Panama”; and, “Options to be regularized in Panama”, material to be used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua and its Consular Section in particular. /wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/---sro-san_jose/documents/publication/wcms_250201.pdf

Ø A pamphlet on “What can you do as a consul in defense of your citizens’ labour rights?”. ¿Qué puede hacer usted como cónsul en defensa de los derechos laborales de sus connacionales?
