The ILO and the United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP21

The twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place from 30 November to 11 December 2015, in Paris, France.

The ILO advocated that the global response to climate change must be founded on decent work and a just transition to environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all. 

The Road to Paris

The ILO has been involved in the negotiation process leading to the COP21 and has also organized various platforms for discussion on how to advance the climate change and decent work agendas in a mutually supportive manner.

A Dialogue on Climate Change and Jobs: Shaping the COP21 Agenda of Solutions in May 2015, generated momentum, ideas and a wide range of solutions on how actors in the world of work can contribute to the climate agenda.

Building on this, the World of Work Summit on Climate Change on 11 June 2015 included a High-Level Panel discussion centred on how to build resilience and create solutions in pursuit of social justice, productive employment and sustainable enterprises, and to ensure a just transition for all.  At a special sitting, French President François Hollande called on tripartite mobilization to take action to fight climate change, anticipate technological transformation, and ensure successful energy transition, amongst others.

France and Peru launched on 10 June 2015 a "Joint Call for Action on Climate Change and Decent Work", initiated by the ILO, urging all countries to undertake efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change which can act as a powerful engine of growth, job creation, social justice, gender equality and eradication of poverty.

In October 2015, the ILO organized a last dialogue 50 days before the Climate Conference  Towards a Successful COP21: Decent Work and a Just Transition to Address Climate Change. It was noted that the draft agreement includes these dimensions. 

The ILO and UNFCCC committed to strengthen their collaboration and mobilization of constituents in support of an ambitious and successful global climate change agreement. Ahead of the UN Climate Summit in New York in 2014, they called on world leaders to recognized that putting the planet on the path toward de-carbonization can deliver a safer, healthier, and more prosperous world that provides millions of decent work opportunities (see statement).

Decent work and climate change : stories from the field