GAIN Webinar 1: World Employment and Social Outlook (2018): Greening with Jobs

This session presents the World Employment and Social Outlook 2018 report (WESO) , with a specific focus on the methodological toolkit used to undertake such economic scenario modelling exercises related to a just transition towards greener economies.

Date issued: 24 July 2018 | Size/duration: 01:02:32

Tuesday 24th July | 11 am – 12 am (CEST)

The WESO report studies, amongst other challenges of the just transition, the worldwide employment effects of achieving the 2°C long-term goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement. Importantly, it uses economic scenario modelling through Input-Output Analysis to enhance our understanding of what sectors are likely to experience net employment gains and what sectors will see employment levels decreasing.


• Kirsten S. Wiebe , Researcher at the Industrial Ecology Programme (NTNU) and expert in input-output modelling.

• Guillermo Montt , Senior Economist at the ILO and one of the major contributors to the WESO report.