News and events on the future of work

  1. Pursuing passion in technology: The journey of a female tech entrepreneur

    22 April 2021

    A young Indonesian female engineer and tech entrepreneur, Fransiska Hadiwidjana, shares her inspiring journey to pursue her passion and to encourage more women to enter the digital world.

  2. Soft skills training to prepare youth entering the world of work

    21 April 2021

    Technology advancement and industrial change have substituted manual jobs with machine and digitalization, requiring humans to acquire new skills to survive in the world of work. While technical skills are still relevant, soft skills play a key role in defining success at work.

  3. ILO Presents a Flagship Training Manual for Public Employment Services

    16 April 2021

    The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia is pleased to announce the launch of its flagship publication “Public Employment Services and the Future of Work. Training Manual for the CIS Regional Network for Youth Employment Promotion”.

  4. The ILO launches the second phase of the Fair Recruitment Initiative

    08 April 2021

    The ILO launches the 2021-25 Fair Recruitment Initiative, which aims to ensure that recruitment practices nationally and across borders are grounded in labour standards, are developed through social dialogue, and ensure gender equality.

  5. New ILO report on global employment policy tackles crisis challenges, charts path to hope and relief for millions of people

    31 March 2021

    A new ILO report, the “Global Employment Policy Review: Employment Policies for Inclusive Structural Transformation” examines current and persistent challenges in the labour market and provides a blueprint for forging new and innovative solutions to policy design and implementation, both during the current crisis and beyond.

  6. The 110th Session of the International Labour Conference in 2022 will hold a general discussion on Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy

    30 March 2021

    The 341st Governing Body (GB) of the International Labour Office (ILO) decided to place on the agenda of the 110th Session (2022) of the International Labour Conference (ILC) an item related to “Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)” for general discussion.

  7. ICT jobs are in demand and for everyone

    30 March 2021

    With a growing transformation of digitalization in Indonesia, everybody can enter the promising ICT sector. Having more people joining the digital workforce, it will bring positive impact to the national economy that benefits both industry and workers.

  8. It is time for young women to grab opportunities in ICT Sector

    23 March 2021

    The information and communications technology (ICT) sector are in demand, providing promising careers for both men and women. The ILO supports wider involvement of women in the sector.

  9. Ethiopia national training on evidence-based policy making

    It is widely recognized that evidence (data, research, best practices) is essential for decision and policy making. In practice, the use of evidence in the policy-making touching the world of work is still at its early stages and unevenly practiced.

  10. Indonesian skills training instructors move towards digital transformation

    19 March 2021

    COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated online transformation in all human activities, including in the skills training sector. Training instructors, thus, need to develop their digital skills to deliver online courses more effectively.