Resources on future of work

  1. Publication

    Unacceptable Forms of Work : A global and comparative study

    14 December 2015

    Unacceptable forms of work (UFW) have been identified by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as work in conditions that deny fundamental principles and rights at work, put at risk the lives, health, freedom, human dignity and security of workers or keep households in conditions of poverty.The report takes as the central purpose of identifying UFW to devise targeted social and economic policies that aim to eliminate or transform jobs that are entirely unacceptable

  2. Full Report

    Inventory of labour market policy measures in the EU 2008–13: The crisis and beyond

    14 December 2015

    "The “Inventory of labour market policy measures in the EU 2008-13: The crisis and beyond” report studies the way in which the labour market policies of Member States of the European Union evolved after the financial crisis of 2007/08, and the extent to which those policies were successful in mitigating the negative impact the crisis had on their labour markets.

  3. Correspondence

    Guy Ryder's letter introducing the Future of Work Initiative

    14 December 2015

    ILO Director-General's letter to ILO member States representatives introducing the Future of Work initiative.

  4. Factsheet no. 4 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    The application of collective agreements

    14 December 2015

    Ideally, workers and managers will ensure that collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) are applied. Managers will make sure that workers are paid the agreed rates and that working conditions are as specified in the latest agreement. Trade union officers will communicate with workers, explaining what has been agreed and discussing how to approach the implementation of any changes. Managers and trade union representatives together will monitor the application of the agreement and work together within agreed procedures to resolve any problems that arise with putting it into practice. In many circumstances, however, the application of agreements is not so straightforward.

  5. Factsheet no. 3 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Subjects for collective bargaining

    14 December 2015

  6. Factsheet no. 2 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Representativity and recognition for collective bargaining

    14 December 2015

    If a collective bargaining agreement is to reflect a fair balance between the interests of the workers and employers that it covers, the organizations that negotiate on behalf of each side must be properly representative.

  7. Factsheet no. 1 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Collective bargaining

    14 December 2015

    Negotiating or bargaining is a means of joint decision making. It is used by individuals or groups like trade unions and employers who depend on each other to achieve their goals but who may have different interests.

  8. Issue Brief no. 3 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Collective bargaining and non-standard forms of employment: Practices that reduce vulnerability and ensure work is decent

    14 December 2015

    Collective bargaining is widely recognized as an important tool for improving working conditions and labour relations, but can it play the same role for workers in non-standard forms of employment? This issue brief looks at the ways in which collective bargaining is used to negotiate better terms and conditions of employment for workers in temporary and part-time employment, and in forms of employment involving multiple parties, such as temporary agency work.

  9. A policy guide

    Collective bargaining - a policy guide

    11 December 2015

    How can governments advance the effective recognition of this fundamental right? Which policies and institutions promote collective bargaining and how might they be established?

  10. Issue Brief no. 2 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

    Improving working conditions for domestic workers: organizing, coordinated action and bargaining

    04 December 2015

    This Issue Brief examines innovative approaches to workers’ and employers’ organizations and collective bargaining that protect domestic workers from the risk of being engaged in unacceptable forms of work and afford them effective and inclusive labour protection.