Publications on freedom of association

March 2014

  1. Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 46

    Poverty, Inequality and Employment in Chile

    03 March 2014

December 2013

  1. Publication

    Living and working conditions in inland navigation in Europe

    20 December 2013

    This study explores various aspects of the inland navigation in the European region, addressing all the essential aspects in relation to the working and living conditions of the crews, including relevant laws and regulations, occupational safety and health, social security and enforcement, etc.

  2. Publication

    National Tripartite Social Dialogue: An ILO guide for improved governance

    02 December 2013

    This guide is part of the ILO’s effort to respond to the demand from ILO member States for technical support in the field of establishing or strengthening mechanisms for tripartite social dialogue at the policy level in line with international labour standards and good comparative practice

November 2013

  1. Publication

    Labour Administration in Uncertain Times: Policy, Practice and Institutions

    01 November 2013

    The 2008 financial crisis marked the beginning of a prolonged and ongoing period of extreme economic turbulence that has created multiple challenges for both governments and national systems of labour administration. Difficult economic conditions are encouraging a re-evaluation of established policies and institutions in the areas of labour, employment, social protection and industrial relations.

October 2013

  1. Good practices

    Business and the fight against child labour - Experience from India, Brazil and South Africa

    25 October 2013

    A new report on the efforts of businesses in three countries in the global South to eliminate child labour, in their operations, supply chains and wider communities.

  2. Guidelines

    Equal Pay - An introductory guide

    04 October 2013

    Ensuring that the work done by women and men is valued fairly and ending pay discrimination is essential to achieving gender equality. However, pay inequality continues to persist and gender pay gaps in some instances have stagnated or even increased.

July 2013

  1. International Labour Review, Vol. 152 (2013), No. 2

    The meta-regulation of European industrial relations: Power shifts, institutional dynamics and the emergence of regulatory competition

    05 July 2013

    “Meta-regulation” describes the transnational governance of industrial relations emerging from attempts to resolve conflicts between national collective agreements and EU Member States’ freedom to provide services and post workers abroad. The norm underpinning such meta-regulation is competition, not only between workers from different EU Member States but also between States’ labour regulations. Using the concepts of “structural power” and “social field”, the authors discuss judicial decisions that illustrate the gradual meta-regulation of industrial relations in the EU and show how the power asymmetry between labour and capital is growing in favour of the latter.

June 2013

  1. Publication

    Guidance on addressing child labour in fisheries and aquaculture

    26 June 2013

    This report provides information and analyses current issues in order to improve the understanding of the nature and scope, causes and contributing factors, and consequences of child labour in fisheries and aquaculture.

  2. Publication

    Work Sharing during the Great Recession: New developments and beyond

    18 June 2013

    This volume presents the concept and history of work sharing, how it can be used as a strategy for preserving jobs and also its potential for increasing employment − including the complexities and trade-offs involved. Work-sharing programmes used during the Great Recession of 2008−09 are analysed for several European countries and other countries around the world.

  3. Publication

    2013. The ILO in Latin America and The Caribbean. Advances and Perspectives.

    04 June 2013

    The Report, describing progress made in the world of work in the region over the last year and, at the same time, once again presenting strategic guidelines for discussion. The document also describes a chequered period: sustained progress has been made in labour policies and indicators, which is good news for the region. The international context presents serious threats however, and internal inequality persists, so it would be unwise to lower the guard.