Publications on informal economy

  1. Publication

    Promoting social dialogue and enhancing labour governance in Tunisia (Final evaluation Summary)

    21 April 2015

    Project: TUN/12/01/NOR - Evaluation Consultant: Martin Herbert

  2. Publication

    Promoting formal employment among youth: innovative experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    20 April 2015

    Formalizing employment, particularly youth employment, continues to pose a challenge for the countries of the region. Currently, 13% of youth are unemployed and 55.7% are informally employed (ILO 2013 and ILO 2014). The challenge of enabling the new labour force to actively participate in the labour market is compounded by the additional challenge of guaranteeing that the new jobs meet decent work criteria.

  3. International Labour Review, Vol. 154 (2015), No. 1

    Three scenarios for industrial relations in Europe

    07 April 2015

    The author outlines three scenarios for the future of industrial relations in Europe. The first – perhaps the most realistic – projects continuing erosion of national industrial relations systems and conditions of employment, in line with current trends. The second envisages that “elite reform” from above will succeed in re-engineering industrial relations and workers’ protection according to an ideal social policy agenda – an unlikely prospect given the overriding importance of financial considerations and globalized competition. The third scenario centres on a counter-movement from below which presents trade unions with the daunting challenge of mobilizing the discontented far beyond their traditional constituency.

  4. INWORK Policy Brief No. 6

    Nothing more permanent than temporary? Understanding fixed-term contracts

    27 March 2015

  5. Publication

    Employment protection legislation: Summary indicators in the area of terminating regular contracts (individual dismissals)

    27 March 2015

  6. Publication

    Case studies on skills assessments in the informal economy conducted by small industry and community organizations

    23 March 2015

    Annex to Assessing skills in the informal economy: A resource guide for small industry and community organizations

  7. Publication

    Microfinance for Decent Work – Enhancing the impact of microfinance: Evidence from an action research programme

    16 February 2015

  8. Publication

    Why should AIDS be part of the Africa Development Agenda?

    04 February 2015

    African leaders have the power to create a future of opportunity for their people by accelerating implementation of their commitment to ending AIDS in a new road map grounded in principles of social justice and inclusive growth.

  9. Publication

    COOP news update

    26 January 2015

    This issue of the COOP News includes articles on various events, projects, trainings and meetings related to the work of the ILO's COOP Unit between September and December, 2014.

  10. Publication

    Campinas 2014 Social and Solidarity Economy Reader: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Development

    16 December 2014

    This Reader, was prepared for the fourth edition of the ILO’s Academy on the Social and Solidarity Economy which was held in Campinas, Brazil in July 2014, which offered Participants the opportunity to share SSE experiences from different parts of the world and learn about the contribution made by the SSE to inclusive and sustainable development.