Series: Guides for Integrated Rural Access Planning and Community Contracting in the Water and Sanitation sector

Guide to develop Integrated Rural Access Planning in the Water and Sanitation sector: Guide No. 2

Guide No. 2 presents an integrated rural access planning model adapted to the requirements of the Rural Water and Sanitation Sub-Sector, focusing on its application in dispersed indigenous and rural communities. The experience of Paraguay between 2009 and 2012 has been used taking into account the achievements of ILO implemented IRAP processes in several countries such as Cambodia, the Philippines’, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua and Panama and also in Community Contracting processes undertaken by countries such as Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Nias, Pakistan, Peru, Somalia and South Africa.

This Guide has two chapters:

- the first provides a general introduction to the document and its use for users, as well as a description of the overall framework in which it has been prepared;

- the second chapter presents the Guide to apply IRAP in rural territorial planning of the use of water and sanitation. This part of the Guide provides a detailed description of the activities to be developed by the Promoter Teams of State agencies (or private entities such as NGOs) that provide these communities with a number of solutions and systems. The process concludes with the subscription of the Community Contract that specifies the commitments assumed by each party: Responsible Authority, Local Authority, Community –Authority and others who may eventually participate in this planning process.