Strengthening institutional capacities on social and solidarity economy development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The ILO initiative aims to improve economic and social rights and conditions for the Palestinian population through cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy (SSE).

News | 29 April 2019
Since early 2008, the ILO has been supporting cooperative development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) including through policy advisory and capacity building support with key national stakeholders. In 2017 this has culminated into the development and adoption of a National Cooperative Sector Strategy and legislation (law 20/2017) in line with ILO Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No. 193). In 2018 the ILO started to support the establishment and the operationalization of the new Cooperative Work Agency (CWA), that is the governmental agency providing technical support services for cooperative development.

In 2018, the ILO joined as a partner in the project “Land and Rights – Paths to Social and Solidarity Economy in Palestine” funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) along with an Italian NGO, COSPE, and other local partners. The project aims to improve social and economic conditions of the Palestinian population, including through the development of social and solidarity economy in the target areas, especially in Area C of the West Bank.

In April 2019, the project team and an official from ILO’s Cooperatives Unit held meetings with key stakeholders and partners in Ramallah in order to develop a work plan of activities with the CWA and the service providers for cooperatives. They also visited newly established hubs, where start-ups and cooperatives can exchange knowledge, share experiences and receive information and support relevant for their businesses.

The activities that will be undertaken by the ILO within the framework of the project focus on the training of trainers (ToT) targeting both public and private service providers and training and coaching of direct beneficiaries (cooperatives), using Think.Coop, Start.Coop, and My.Coop tools from the ILO. The project will also support the CWA in drafting its bylaws, strengthening its governance and revising the cooperative law in a consultative manner.