

  1. Commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents - The ILO's response

    24 November 2008

    This brochure explains the ILO's role in fighting commercial sexual exploitation of all children under 18 years of age, a worst form of child labour specifically targeted for immediate elimination under ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182). It describes the principle characteristics of CSEC and the factors that make children vulnerable to it. The brochure also gives a concise review of how ILO Convention No. 182 can be a powerful tool against CSEC and the range of experience ILO-IPEC has acquired to fight CSEC and child trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation.

  2. Combating trafficking in children for labour exploitation: A resource kit for policy-makers and practitioners

    21 November 2008

    This resource kit captures over 10 years of work by IPEC and its partners and makes the Programme’s experiences and knowledge available to those who design, implement and improve policy and programming to fight child trafficking. It is composed of five separate but interrelated books that cover a range of themes, including: understanding child trafficking, research and knowledge base, building legal and policy frameworks, mobilization and building partnerships, taking action against child trafficking, and the processes that may contribute to effective remedial action. Accompanying the texts are more than 150 resources comprising publications, ‘how-to’ manuals, guidelines and copies of relevant international instruments and protocols.

  3. Child labour, education and health: A review of the literature

    19 November 2008

    This paper reviews the rapidly-expanding literature on the relationships between child labour, education and health. With the renewed interest in child labour as an economic and social problem, researchers have attempted to assess its linkages to the core elements of human capital, hoping to solve continuing riddles in development policy and improve the quality of life for the world¿s poorest and most disadvantaged inhabitants.

  4. Discussion Paper: Gender Dimensions of Globalization

    14 November 2008

    A discussion paper presented at the meeting on “Globalisation – Decent Work and Gender”, September 4, 2008, a side-event to the Oslo Conference on Decent Work – A key to Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation

  5. Sampling for household-based surveys of child labour

    15 October 2008

    This manual presents a wide range of sampling techniques for household-based child labour surveys with a particular emphasis on sampling design and selection procedures. It is meant to assist survey professionals in statistical offices, universities and research organizations. Many of the concepts and approaches introduced by the Manual are illustrated with examples from SIMPOC child labour surveys conducted in all major world regions.

  6. Combating the worst forms of child labour in Ecuador: Supporting the Time-Bound Programme (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 July 2008

    Project: ECU/05/50/USA Evaluation Consultants: Marta Picado Mesén, Team leader; Martha oncada, National Consultant

  7. TACKLE - Tackling child labour through education: moving children from work to school in 11 countries

    12 June 2008

    IPEC's new TACKLE project was launched with the financial support of the European Community as part of an effort to accelerate the fight against poverty and the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals in 11 countries in Africa and the Carribean and Pacific regions. The project looks to strengthen legal frameworks on child labour and education in the project countries and increase institutional capacities to formulate and implement strategies to eliminate child labour. It will also aid participating countries take targeted actions against child labour and widen advocacy efforts and the dissemination of know-how and good practices.

  8. Child labour and education: Evidence from SIMPOC surveys

    09 June 2008

    A new working paper analyzing a diverse sample of SIMPOC national survey data from all world regions. The authors review evidence of the impact of child labour on education, emphasizing the effects of child labour on school attendance, grade repetition, dropout, literacy achievements and overall human capital accumulation.

  9. Child labour: Cause and effect of the perpetuation of poverty

    05 June 2008

    This study provides recommendations for mainstreaming child labour issues into national development and poverty reduction strategies in Latin American countries in view of their international commitments on the subject. It covers the Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. (In Spanish.)

  10. Guidelines on the design of direct action strategies to combat commercial sexual exploitation of children

    05 June 2008

    These guidelines provide project designers and managers with a simple toolkit for selecting the most appropriate strategies and actions to combat commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) at the community level. They include examples, do’s and don’ts and good practices from IPEC’s field experience of and that of its partners worldwide. Concise background material on many of the difficult and sensitive issues concerning CSEC is also provided to help identify suitable strategies.