Model questionnaire for child labour modular surveys

Instructional material | 07 March 2023
The questionnaire for child labour modular surveys is meant to measure child labour according to the amended international standards adopted by the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (2018). It is designed to have a limited number of questions so that it can be incorporated as a module in surveys on more general topics such as labour force surveys or household living conditions surveys.

The questionnaire is structured in five parts as follows:
  1. Demographic and education characteristics
  2. Employment work by children
  3. Own-use production of goods
  4. Hazardous work by children
  5. Unpaid household services (household chores)
The use of the templates is limited by specific requirements as indicated in the template.
  1. Child labour modular surveys: Model questionnaire
    English  - Français - Español

    - Template in Word format: English  - Français - Español