

  1. Conceptual Framework for Statistics on Work Relationships

    02 June 2020

  2. Consumer Price Index: Business Continuity Guidance

    26 May 2020

  3. Capturing impacts on employment and unpaid work using Rapid Surveys

    22 May 2020

    Lack of data on how households and workers are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can severely affect the formulation of programmes and policies aimed to help those in most need. In times of crisis, rapid surveys may be a alternative source of information where official household surveys such as LFS have been halted or postponed. This note provides modules for rapid surveys to shed light on the COVID-19 impacts on paid and unpaid work.

  4. Guidance to data producers to maintain Labour Force Survey data collection

    29 April 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting Labour Force Survey data collection in many ways. The most immediate impact for most countries is the suspension of face-to-face interviewing, with a move to telephone interviewing being the main approach under consideration by many. This note provides guidance to countries on the range of options available and challenges to deal with in order to change their data collection approach and maintain some continuity in data availability to the extent possible.

  5. Consumer Price Indexes

    28 April 2020

    The COVID-19 crisis is affecting data collection activities of national statistical offices (NSOs) around the world, including for consumer price indexes (CPI).

  6. Monitoring labour markets amid lockdowns to contain the COVID-19 virus: Essential labour force survey content and treatment of special groups (Rev.1)

    08 April 2020

    Amid the challenges to continue LFS data collection, the international standards remain a central reference. This note provide guidance to countries maintaining LFS operations, on priority topics and handling issues becoming more prevalent such as job absences of uncertain duration, business closures and reduced job search.

  7. Education pays off, but you have to be patient

    06 January 2020

    The educational level of the world’s labour force is increasing, but it is not always easy for highly educated workers to find jobs matching their expectations. This new Spotlight on Work Statistics explores the advantages and disadvantages of having a tertiary degree in the labour market.


  1. From school to work

    16 December 2019

    Across the world today, there are more than 1.8 billion people between the ages of 15 and 29 – together comprising almost 20 per cent of the global population. Their situation in the labour market is tenuous and has captured the attention of the international community in recent years. Indeed, in 2018, young women and men were still three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and an estimated 21 per cent of the world’s youth were not in employment, education or training. Moreover, even when young people find jobs, they are often in precarious employment, characterised by low wages, uncertainty regarding hours and duration of contracts, and an absence of social security.

  2. ILO Model question on volunteer work for Population and Housing Censuses (Version 1)

    05 December 2019

    This technical note has been prepared by the ILO Department of Statistics to support countries that wish to include measurement of volunteer work participation in their Population and Housing Census.

  3. ILO model questions on economic characteristics for Population Censuses (Version 1)

    23 October 2019

    This resource includes model question sequences suitable for inclusion in a census form to capture the UN recommended core and additional topics on economic activity, aligned with the latest standards adopted by the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS).