Transforming jobs to end poverty - World Employment and Social Outlook 2016

This edition of the World Employment and Social Outlook looks at poverty reduction and how it has been influenced by income inequality and the availability of quality jobs in developing and developed countries.

The report provides an estimate of the cost to eradicate extreme and moderate poverty globally. It also offers policy recommendations to address the structural challenges needed to provide both quality jobs and poverty reduction.

Key messages

  1. The report in short


    Quality jobs along with social protection play a central role to help close the poverty gap, ILO economists Steven Tobin and Veda Narasimhan explain.

  2. © Metin Aktas / Anadolu Agency

    Poverty goal of 2030 Agenda at risk without decent work

    After a period of significant gains the pace of poverty reduction is threatened by a lack of decent jobs.

Interactive charts and maps

  1. Who is most affected by working poverty?

    The demographics of poverty in developed and developing economies.

  2. How much would it cost to eliminate poverty?

    The cost of ending poverty country by country.

  3. Where is working poverty hitting the hardest?

    World map of working poverty.

  4. All ILO maps and charts are available under a Creative Commons 3.0 IGO license. You can use it, share it, link it, embed it (not for commercial purposes) provided you credit the ILO.