Meeting documents

November 2012

  1. Meeting document

    Improvements in the standards-related activities of the ILO: A progress report on the implementation of the interim plan of action for the standards-related strategy

    01 November 2012

October 2012

  1. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General - Third Supplementary Report: Appointment of two Deputy Directors-General and one Assistant Director-General

    29 October 2012

  2. Meeting document

    Ratification and promotion of fundamental and governance Conventions and implementation of the plan of action for the governance Conventions

    29 October 2012

  3. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General - Addendum

    25 October 2012

  4. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General - First Supplementary Report: Documents submitted for information only

    25 October 2012

  5. Meeting document

    Approval of the minutes of the 314th and 315th Sessions of the Governing Body

    25 October 2012

  6. Meeting document

    Improving the functioning of the International Labour Conferenceand the Regional Meetings

    25 October 2012

  7. Meeting document

    Complaint concerning non-observance by Myanmar of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), made by delegates to the 99th Session (2010) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution

    24 October 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to decide whether it wishes to institute the procedure provided for in article 26 of the Constitution and proceed to the appointment of a Commission of Inquiry to consider the allegations set out in the complaint or whether it wishes to take any other action (see the draft decision in paragraph 6).

  8. Meeting document

    Latest developments in Fiji in light of the resolution of the 15th Asia–Pacific Regional Meeting

    23 October 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to take note of the information and provide guidance as to any further steps it considers should be taken in relation to this matter (see paragraph 4).

  9. Meeting document

    Joint ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART): Report on allegations submitted by teachers’ organizations

    23 October 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to take note of the CEART’s recommendations regarding allegations from teachers’ organizations examined at its 11th Session (8–12 October 2012), and to request the Director-General to communicate these recommendations to the relevant parties (see the draft decision in paragraph 5).

  10. Meeting document

    Programme and Budget for 2012–13: Regular budget account and Working Capital Fund

    18 October 2012

    This paper provides information on the position of 2012–13 income and expenditure as of 30 September 2012. For the nine-month period ending 30 September 2012, contributions received were US$404,019,008 and expenditures recorded were US$271,305,690. In accordance with article 21.2(a) of the Financial Regulations, arrears of contributions received in 2012 were used to reimburse the Working Capital Fund and internal borrowings to cover the 2010–11 deficit of US$59,242,192. The excess of income received over expenditure as at 30 September 2012 is US$73,471,126 at the budget rate of exchange of 0.84 Swiss francs to the US dollar.

  11. Meeting document

    Sector-specific tools

    17 October 2012

    This document provides an overview of the sectoral tools (which include codes of practice and guidelines, as well as lower-level guidance documents, such as toolkits or manuals) published during the last and the current biennium (2010–mid-2012).

  12. Meeting document

    Annual evaluation report 2011–12

    12 October 2012

    The present document provides an overview of the work undertaken by the Evaluation Unit (EVAL) during 2011–12 as measured against its results-based strategy 2011–15 and a segment on the Office’s effectiveness in achieving short- and medium-term objectives. The Governing Body is invited to take note of the report, to endorse recommendations to be included in the ILO’s rolling plan of action for the implementation of the recommendations and suggestions contained in the annual evaluation report and to confirm priorities for the programme of work (see the draft decision in paragraph 96).

  13. Meeting document

    Report of the Eleventh Session of CEART - October 2012

    12 October 2012

    This report summarizes the analysis of major issues affecting the status of teaching personnel worldwide at all levels of education by the Joint ILO UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART).

  14. Meeting document

    Disability inclusion

    12 October 2012

    This paper provides background information on the ILO’s work on disability. The Governing Body is invited to provide guidance to the Office on strengthening the ILO’s work in order to support governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations in tackling disability-based discrimination and in promoting disability inclusion (see draft decision in paragraph 35).

  15. Meeting document

    Other financial questions: Progress report on expenditure review

    12 October 2012

    This paper provides a brief update on the work of the Expenditure Review Committee established by the Director-General following the discussion of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2012–13. It contains a proposal to amend article 9.1(c) and paragraph 19 of Annex III of the Staff Regulations in respect of travel and removal expenses (see the draft decision in paragraph 29).

  16. Meeting document

    Discussions of high-level evaluations: Strategies and Decent Work Country Programmes

    11 October 2012

    The present document provides a summary of the findings and recommendations from three high-level independent evaluations conducted during 2012. They covered the ILO’s strategies to: (1) integrate inclusive employment policies; (2) promote a sector-specific approach to decent work; and (3) support the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) in India. The final section of each evaluation summary includes recommendations requiring follow-up. The Governing Body is invited to endorse the recommendations and request the Director-General to uphold their implementation (see draft decision in paragraph 165).

  17. Meeting document

    Matters arising out of the work of the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference: Follow-up to the adoption of the resolution concerning efforts to make social protection floors a national reality worldwide

    11 October 2012

    The paper provides a summary of the rationale and content of the new Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202), which was adopted by the International Labour Conference in 2012, and establishes the priorities of a possible strategy for action aimed at giving effect to the related resolution. The Governing Body is invited to advise the Office on how to modify, improve or complement the proposed strategy for action and to request the Director- General to implement cost-effective measures identified in the resolution (see the draft decision in paragraph 32).

  18. Meeting document

    Matters arising out of the work of the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference Follow-up to the adoption of the resolution – The youth employment crisis: A call for action

    11 October 2012

    The document proposes the main elements of a follow-up plan by the Office over the next seven years, 2012–19 (for the remainder of the current biennium and over the next three biennia) for the implementation of the priorities listed in the conclusions “The youth employment crisis: A call for action” adopted by the International Labour Conference in June 2012. The Governing Body is invited to provide guidance on the follow-up plan (see the draft decision in paragraph 37).

  19. Meeting document

    Matters arising out of the work of the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference Follow-up to the adoption of the resolution concerning the recurrent discussion on fundamental principles and rights at work: Plan of action

    11 October 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to discuss the proposed plan of action and provide guidance to the Office for its implementation (see the draft decision in paragraph 37).