Occupational injuries statistics from household surveys and establishment surveys, ILO manual on methods

This manual aims to assist those responsible for compiling data on occupational injuries with newly developed tools for collecting these data from household surveys and establishment surveys, to supplement the data compiled through notification systems.

This manual aims to assist those responsible for compiling data on occupational injuries with newly developed tools for collecting these data from household surveys and establishment surveys, to supplement the data compiled through notification systems. A second aim of the manual is to enhance compatibility of data between countries by encouraging the application of the latest international statistical standards, which form the basis of the new methodological tools.

The manual provides:

  • Practical guidance for the production of statistics on occupational injuries through household surveys and establishment surveys
  • In-depth explanation of the concepts underlying the statistics, as well as types of data, classification schemes, calculation of indicators and other important aspects, including international standards
  • Step-by-step approach for developing household and establishment surveys and processing and disseminating the data
  • Model questionnaires and training materials

Table of contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction
    Chapter 2: International guidelines
    Chapter 3: Concepts and definitions
    Chapter 4: Scope and coverage
    Chapter 5: Types of data and measurement
    Chapter 6: Indicators
    Chapter 7: Factors affecting choice of data collection approach
    Chapter 8: Household surveys
    Chapter 9: Establishment surveys
    Chapter 10: Data processing and analysis
    Chapter 11: Presentation and dissemination of results
    1. Resolution concerning statistics of occupational injuries (resulting from occupational accidents), adopted by the 16th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, 1998; 2. ILO Conventions and Recommendations on occupational safety and health;
    3. Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) and Recommendation, 1985 (No. 170) (extracts);
    4. Additional classifications;
    5. Training materials for household surveys and establishment surveys;
    6. Some guidance for recording and notification of occupational injuries.

About the Authors

Karen Taswell, formerly a Senior Statistician with the ILO Bureau of Statistics, directed the ILO's international statistical programmes on occupational safety and health until 2007. She was responsible for the development of the Resolution concerning statistics on occupational injuries adopted in 1998.

Peter Wingfield Digby is a professional statistician who has worked on survey and sampling methods, statistical training and analysis of statistics in many parts of the developing world for a number of international agencies including ILO, the EU and UNDP.


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