Fair is fair: International Historical perspective on Social Justice.

In the framework of the Centenary Publication project, the ILO supported this conference organized by the University of Oslo and the University of Padova.

The conference took place from September 15-17 in Padova, Italy. The objective was to discuss social justice from a variety of angles by presenting newest historical research on the topic. It was organized by Dorothea Hoehtker (ILO Research/Century Project), Professor Daniel Maul (University of Oslo), and Professor Lorenzo Mechi (University of Padova), which hosted the event on its famous historical premises. Nineteen researchers from seven different countries attended. The results of the discussions will nourish the Centenary Publication on ILO’s 100 year long history, which will be written by Professor Daniel Maul (University of Oslo) with support from the ILO.

The conference had a strong ILO component reflecting the growing academic interest in ILO’s history. The ILO panel specifically highlighted ILO’s debates and activities on social justice for women, the collaboration with the Vatican and the role of statistics. Other contributions, e.g. on social justice in State socialism, equal pay, forced labour, Catholicism or the role of US lawyers in the Human Rights debate during WWII had a strong ILO focus. This allowed a lively and broad discussion of the ILO’s efforts to conceive and put social justice into practise in a changing political and economic environment.