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Decision on taking stock five years after the adoption of the revised MNE Declaration

Repertorio de decisiones | 9 de noviembre de 2022
The Governing Body requested the Director-General:

(a) to scale up activities in support of constituents to make better use of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration), in line with the building blocks for a comprehensive strategy on achieving decent work in supply chains;

(b) to strengthen and promote operational tools, as outlined in Annex II of the MNE Declaration;

(c) to further mainstream the MNE Declaration in relevant development cooperation programmes and ILO engagement with enterprises;

(d) to strengthen ILO engagement with other international organizations to advance decent work through the promotion of the MNE Declaration in the context of trade, investment and supply chains; and

(e) to facilitate resource mobilization to that effect.

(GB.346/POL/5, paragraph 30, as amended by the Governing Body)