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Decision concerning an integrated strategy to address decent work deficits in the tobacco sector

Record of decisions | 08 November 2018

The Governing Body welcomed the Integrated Strategy 2019–22 but noted that it requires further development. Accordingly, the Governing Body directed the Director General:

(a) to organize a tripartite meeting as a matter of urgency, to promote an exchange of views on the further development and the implementation of the strategy, with among others the participation of the directly affected countries and social partners in the tobacco sector;

(b) to present an update on the costed and time bound integrated strategy to the Governing Body at its 337th Session in November 2019;

(c) to continue the ongoing project-based efforts to eliminate child labour using Regular Budget Supplementary Account funds and other public funds in the short term;

(d) to continue efforts to mobilize various sustainable sources of funding from the public and private sector with appropriate safeguards.

(GB.334/POL/5, paragraph 46, as amended by the Governing Body.)