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Decision concerning the arrangements for the 14th African Regional Meeting

Record of decisions | 06 November 2018

The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers:

(a) approved the proposed dates, venue, agenda, composition and arrangements for the 14th African Regional Meeting proposed in document GB.334/INS/14/1; and

(b) decided that the cost of providing document translation and interpretation services in Portuguese for the 14th African Regional Meeting, estimated to cost up to US$95,000, would be financed in the first instance from savings that might arise under Part I of the budget for 2018-19 or, failing that, through the use of the provision for unforeseen expenditure, in Part II. Should that not prove possible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the 2018–19 biennium.

(GB.334/INS/14/1, paragraph 9, as amended by the Governing Body.)