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ILO Seminar - 22 March 2010

Overcoming the Jobs Crisis: what do we know about experiences that work?

Following the Working Party on the Social Dimension of Globalization of the ILO Governing Body, a seminar organized by the International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS) debated policies which provide the most effective way out of the jobs crisis and draw lessons with regard to the implementation of the Global Jobs Pact.

Chair: Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Brazil, Chair of the Governing Body

17:00 Opening : Juan Somavia, ILO Director-General

17:10 Presentations

  • Raymond Torres (IILS): How to support employment and social protection while meeting medium-term budget targets?
  • Bruno Coquet (Ministry of Finance, France, and Chair of the EU Employment Committee): The experience of developed countries
  • Marcio Pochman (President of the Institute for Applied Economics, IPEA, Brazil): The experience of emerging countries

Country cases

  • Egypt: Dr. El Hamaki, Professor of Economics, Ain Shams University, Cairo and Deputy Chairman of Economic Committee of Parliament
  • Germany: Dr. Ulrich Walwei, Vice-Director, IAB, Nurenberg.
  • Republic of Korea: Jong-Cheol Kim, Permanent Mission

Reactions from the Social partners: Employer Representative and Michael Sommer, Chairman of German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB)

18:30 Comments from the audience and reactions from experts and the Director of IILS

18:50 Gilles De Robien, French Government Delegate to the Governing Body: Conclusions and reflections on the implementation of the Global Jobs Pact

19:00 Close of Conference