All ILO Newsroom content

December 2010

  1. Video

    Interview Video: ILO's Executive-Director of the Employment Sector, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs Interview on CNBC on Youth Employment

    03 December 2010

    The ILO's Executive-Director of the Employment Sector, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, appeared on CNBC business news show "Squawk Box Europe" to discuss the issue of youth unemployment. The world faces a "huge challenge to better match the offer from universities and colleges to the needs of the private sector and business," Salazar said in an interview on the sidelines of a Global Youth Employment conference in London.

  2. Video message

    ILO Director-General Juan Somavia addresses the Global Youth Employment Conference

    02 December 2010

    ILO Director-General Juan Somavia addressed the inaugural meeting of the Global Youth Employment Agenda in London hosted by CNBC and the Blackstone Charitable Foundation. In a video-message he expressed concern over the crisis in youth employment worldwide and encouraged business to focus on investing in young people, as a way to invest in the future.

  3. News

    ILO and EU to launch new project on improving safety and health at work

    02 December 2010

    Responding to a pressing need to improve the safety and health of workers, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Union are launching a new project aimed at reducing occupational accidents and diseases in six countries in Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Moldova), Africa (Zambia and Malawi) and Central America (Honduras and Nicaragua).

  4. Publication

    Gundo Lashu (Our Victory): Labour intensive public roads programmes in South Africa

    01 December 2010

    With more than 25 per cent of jobless people, the Republic of South Africa is faced with rampant unemployment – coupled with high levels of poverty and a lack of skills. As part of the South African Government’s strategy to provide poverty and income relief through temporary work, the labour intensive Expanded Public Works Programme was introduced in 2004. It received technical support from the ILO, which is also assisting the Government with the development and formulation of policy. South African journalist Eleanor Momberg reports from Johannesburg.

  5. Publication

    The long struggle for a social foundation of the global economy

    01 December 2010

  6. Publication

    Green jobs in construction: Small changes – big effect

    01 December 2010

    Construction was the first specific sector of the economy to be addressed in the ILO’s Green Jobs Initiative. The sector is responsible for 25-40 per cent of global energy use, and 30–40 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Andrew Bibby, a London-based journalist, reports from the suburb of Khayelitsha, Cape Town’s largest informal settlement, where the Kuyasa Initiative has targeted 2,000 homes for basic energy-saving measures, creating jobs at the same time.

  7. Publication

    Pakistan’s devastating floods: Rebuilding lives and livelihoods

    01 December 2010

    Sher Hassan watched helplessly through the driving rain as flood water approached his house. Horrified and panicking, and with little time to spare, the 24-year-old managed to take his elderly mother, five sisters and one younger brother to higher ground. Within an hour his home in the village of Masma was submerged under two metres of water.

  8. Publication

    Planning for recovery: How to rebalance global growth and demand

    01 December 2010

    As stimulus measures wind down, many governments are opting for austerity. According to the ILO’s World of Work Report 2010, neither approach addresses the underlying drivers of global economic instability. Gary Humphreys reports.

  9. Publication

    Promoting a recovery focused on jobs

    01 December 2010

    The global financial crisis has led to the highest level of unemployment ever recorded – 210 million people. This has sharpened prior international concern about the failure of the global economy to generate enough decent work opportunities in all countries.

  10. Article

    The price of excluding people with disabilities from the workplace

    01 December 2010

    Mainstreaming of women and men with disabilities in all aspects of society the economy and development efforts is crucial in helping to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Yet, because of stigma and discrimination many disabled people live in poverty, dependence and exclusion. ILO Online interviews Sebastian Buckup, author of the ILO study “The price of exclusion: The economic consequences of excluding people with disabilities from the world of work”.