International comparison of youth school to work transition

More specifically, labour market transition is defined as the passage of a young person (aged 15-29) from the end of schooling (or entry to first economic activity) to the first stable or satisfactory job. The distribution of youth across stages of labour market transition varies from country to country.

(Mouse over the chart to see the data)
Based on the definition of labour market transition, the stages of transition are as follows:

I. Transited – A young person who has “transited” is one who is currently employed in:

  • a) a stable job, whether satisfactory or non-satisfactory; or
  • b) a satisfactory but temporary job; or
  • c) satisfactory self-employment.

II. In transition – A young person is still “in transition” their status is one of the following:

  • a) currently unemployed (relaxed definition); or
  • b) currently employed in a temporary and non-satisfactory job; or
  • c) currently in non-satisfactory self-employment; or
  • d) currently inactive and not in education or training, with an aim to look for work later.

III. Transition not yet started – A young person whose “transition has not yet started” is one who is either of the following:

  • a) still in school and inactive (inactive students); or
  • b) currently inactive and not in education or training (inactive non-students), with no intention of looking for work.