
December 2019

  1. Blog

    Inclusion and diversity in the labour market: A call for LGBT labour statistics

    09 December 2019

    Equal opportunities for employment and equal treatment in employment are a key part of decent work. For LGBT+ workers facing labour market discrimination around the world, this is far from a reality. But in order to know the extent and forms of this discrimination, we need labour statistics on LGBT+ people.

  2. 14th African Regional Meeting

    African countries commit to roadmap to shape the future of work on the continent

    06 December 2019

    The ILO's 14th Africa Regional Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, concluded with a Declaration reaffirming the need for a human-centred strategy

  3. 14th African Regional Meeting

    ILO adopts Abidjan Declaration

    06 December 2019

    The ILO's 14th Africa Regional Meeting has concluded with the adoption of a new declaration calling for investment in decent job creation, the institutions of work and sustainable growth in order to achieve a human-centred future of work in Africa.

  4. Article

    Highlights of the 14th African Regional Meeting on Twitter

    05 December 2019

    Find out what you missed at the 14th ILO African Regional Meeting with a selection of the top tweets from the event.

  5. 14th African Regional Meeting

    14th African Regional Meeting of the ILO - Best of Opening Day

    03 December 2019

    Relive the excitement of the 14th African Regional Meeting Open Day, as workers, employers and government representatives from 54 countries gathered in Abidjan to chart a course towards a future with decent work.

  6. 14th African Regional Meeting

    14th African Regional Meeting: 60 years of the ILO in Africa

    03 December 2019

    At four-yearly intervals, the African Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization brings together the political, economic and social actors from countries of the region. This 14th African Regional Meeting takes place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, to set the agenda for the next decade of the ILO in Africa.

  7. Decent Work Country Programme

    Iraq and ILO pledge to further decent work in the country

    03 December 2019

    The International Labour Organization and tripartite partners sign the country’s first Decent Work Programme at a ceremony in Baghdad.

  8. 14th African Regional Meeting

    Guy Ryder calls on Africa to work towards a human-centred future of work

    03 December 2019

    In a speech at the opening of the 14th ILO African Regional Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the ILO Director-General spoke of Africa’s world of work challenges and opportunities.

  9. © ILO 2024

    International Day of Disabled People

    Displacement and disability no barrier to work for Syrian refugee

    03 December 2019

    Shaikha, a Syrian refugee who is hearing impaired, has overcome obstacles to find decent employment in a Jordan factory, with ILO support.

November 2019

  1. Blog

    Africa’s employment landscape

    28 November 2019

    Following Africa Industrialization Day earlier this month, which focused on the expansion of the region’s manufacturing sector.