The ILO at Work: Results 2014-2015

Organizing for better delivery

Advances in the ILO’s performance and standing can be attributed to a number of factors: the production of quality statistics, and enhanced research and policy analysis on highly relevant topics – reflected in flagship reports such as the Global Wage Report, the World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends (WESO) and the World Social Protection Report – in addition to improved internal coordination and policy coherence as a result of the new organizational structure.

The reform programme initiated in 2012 is increasing the efficiency of the ILO: services to constituents have expanded and the ILO is advocating its values with growing impact in the global policy environment.

This can be illustrated, for example, by its continuing support to victims of the tragic collapse in 2013 of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh: the ILO has continued to provide significant technical and financial support, ensuring a sound basis for future social dialogue, assisting the compensation process for survivors and relatives, and providing expertise on building safety and labour inspection.