Drafting Committee

Under Article 9 of the Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference, the Drafting Committee reviews the drafting of any instrument referred to it in accordance with the Standing Orders, namely draft Conventions, Recommendations, amendments to the Constitution and conclusions, or by a special decision of the Conference, for example, a draft declaration or any other resolution.

The review of the Drafting Committee ensures agreement between the texts of such instruments in the official languages of the Conference (English, French and Spanish). The Drafting Committee also advises on drafting questions which may be referred to it by the Conference or a committee.

In view of its review in the three official languages, the Drafting Committee is composed, for each instrument, of up to three Government delegates or advisers, up to three Employers’ delegates or advisers and up to three Workers’ delegates or advisers appointed by the committee which refers the text to be reviewed or the drafting question, or by the Conference if the text is not considered in a committee. The Reporter of the committee concerned and the Legal Adviser of the Conference are also members of the Committee. Members should, to the extent possible, be conversant with the official languages of the Conference. They are assisted by officials of the Secretariat.