International perspectives on women and work in hotels, catering and tourism

This working paper highlights structural and cultural issues that often determine the roles that women play within the hotel, catering and tourism workforce and the strategies which can make a difference to their status and opportunities within the sector.

Some of these issues relate to occupational sex segregation, wage parity, promotion
opportunities, the role of women within micro-enterprises and the informal hotel, catering and tourism economy. The links between equality of opportunity and treatment for women and men in quality jobs, workforce development, training opportunities and employment in the sector have been
explored to a certain degree at national or local levels. However, there is less information regarding gender equality provisions and major international companies in global and
regional contexts. The findings of this study point to issues of importance for employment of women as a basis for future dialogue. They also highlight important innovations, good
practices and interesting case studies in support of future human resources planning for governments, employers‟ and workers‟ organizations.