Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Matters arising out of the work of the 106th Session (2017) of the International Labour Conference Follow-up to the resolution concerning employment and decent work for peace and resilience

Record of decisions | 03 November 2017

Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: Matters arising out of the work of the 106th Session (2017) of the International Labour Conference

Follow-up to the resolution concerning employment and decent work for peace and resilience

The Governing Body requested the Director-General to:

(a) take into account its guidance in pursuing the plan of action for the implementation of the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation, 2017 (No. 205), and to draw on it when preparing future programme and budget proposals and developing resource mobilization initiatives;

(b) communicate the resolution concerning employment and decent work for peace and resilience to the governments of member States, and through them to the national employers’ and workers’ organizations and, also, to partner agencies in the multilateral system.

(Document GB.331/INS/4/2, paragraph 47.)