Decision on the 18th item on the agenda: Report of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference

Record of decisions | 27 March 2017

Decision on the 18th item on the agenda: Report of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference

Composition of the Governing Body

The Governing Body:

(a) invited Members which had not yet done so to ratify the 1986 Instrument for the Amendment of the ILO Constitution;

(b) requested the Director-General actively to pursue promotional efforts for the ratification of the instrument of amendment, including through direct contacts with Members, and to report at the 331st Session (November 2017) on the results obtained and the feedback from Members concerned on the reasons which prevent or delay such ratification.

(Document GB.329/INS/18, paragraph 3.)

Arrangements for the 106th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) (2017) and review of the Standing Orders of the Conference – First set of amendments for the effective functioning of the ILC in its reduced two-week format

The Governing Body:

(a) decided to propose to the Conference that it implement the arrangements contained in document GB.329/INS/18 and the tentative plan of work for the 106th Session (June 2017) of the Conference in its Appendix I;

(b) took note of the first set of amendments to the Standing Orders of the Conference in Appendix II to be trialled at the 106th Session of the International Labour Conference through suspending the relevant provisions as set out in Appendix III;

(c) decided to review this trial at its 331st Session (November 2017);

(d) requested the Office to prepare additional amendments for simplification and modernization of the Standing Orders for its consideration at its 331st Session.

(Document GB.329/INS/18, paragraph 10.)

Review of the role and functioning of the Regional Meetings

The Governing Body decided:

(a) to pursue its review of the role and functioning of Regional Meetings;

(b) to request the Office to prepare, for its consideration at the 331st Session (November 2017), further proposals, taking into account the views expressed and the guidance provided during the discussion.

(Document GB.329/INS/18, paragraph 14.)