Decision on the second item on the agenda: The Standards Initiative: Report of the second meeting of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (SRM TWG)

Record of decisions | 08 November 2016

Decision on the second item on the agenda: The Standards Initiative: Report of the second meeting of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (SRM TWG)

The Governing Body took note of the report of the Officers concerning the second meeting of the SRM TWG contained in document GB.328/LILS/2/1 and, in approving its recommendations:

(a) welcomed the SRM TWG’s efforts to integrate its recommendations into the broader programme of work of the ILO on standards policy;

(b) revised the SRM TWG’s initial programme of work to include the Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160), the Occupational Health Services Convention, 1985 (No. 161), the Labour Statistics Recommendation, 1985 (No. 170), and the Occupational Health Services Recommendation, 1985 (No. 171), so that the SRM TWG’s initial programme of work now reviews a total of 235 international labour standards organized into 20 thematic sets of instruments grouped by strategic objective;

(c) noted the SRM TWG’s recommendations concerning the abrogation of the Inspection of Emigrants Convention, 1926 (No. 21), the Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, 1936 (No. 50), the Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939 (No. 64), the Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939 (No. 65), the Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947 (No. 86), and the Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1955 (No. 104), and the withdrawal of the Hours of Work (Fishing) Recommendation, 1920 (No. 7), the Migration for Employment Recommendation, 1939 (No. 61), and the Migration for Employment (Co-operation between States) Recommendation, 1939 (No. 62), in relation to which it placed an item on the agenda of the 107th Session (2018) of the International Labour Conference (see GB.328/INS/3(Add.));

(d) noted that the SRM TWG would follow up at later meetings on the 40 outdated Conventions and Recommendations listed in its Officers’ report, on the terms set out in that report (the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No. 5), the Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention, 1921 (No. 10), the Workmen’s Compensation (Accidents) Convention, 1925 (No. 17), the Workmen’s Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention, 1925 (No. 18), the Night Work (Bakeries) Convention, 1925 (No. 20), the Sickness Insurance (Industry) Convention, 1927 (No. 24), the Sickness Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1927 (No. 25), the Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised), 1932 (No. 32), the Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention, 1932 (No. 33), the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933 (No. 34), the Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35), the Old-Age Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (No. 36), the Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 37), the Invalidity Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (No. 38), the Survivors’ Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 39), the Survivors’ Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (No. 40), the Workmen’s Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention (Revised), 1934 (No. 42), the Sheet-Glass Works Convention, 1934 (No. 43), the Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934 (No. 44), the Maintenance of Migrants’ Pension Rights Convention, 1935 (No. 48), the Reduction of Hours of Work (Glass-Bottle Works) Convention, 1935 (No. 49), the Holidays with Pay Convention, 1936 (No. 52), the Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937 (No. 59), the Safety Provisions (Building) Convention, 1937 (No. 62), the Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938 (No. 63), the Holidays with Pay (Agriculture) Convention, 1952 (No. 101), the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103), the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957 (No. 107), the Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959 (No. 112), the Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965 (No. 123), the Workmen’s Compensation (Minimum Scale) Recommendation, 1925 (No. 22), the Workmen’s Compensation (Jurisdiction) Recommendation, 1925 (No. 23), the Workmen’s Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Recommendation, 1925 (No. 24), the Sickness Insurance Recommendation, 1927 (No. 29), the Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Reciprocity Recommendation, 1932 (No. 40), the Unemployment Provision Recommendation, 1934 (No. 44), the Holidays with Pay Recommendation, 1936 (No. 47), the Holidays with Pay (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1952 (No. 93), the Maternity Protection Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95), and the Minimum Age (Underground Work) Recommendation, 1965 (No. 124)), and would also follow-up itself the regulatory gap identified with regard to the topic of shift work in its later discussion, at a date to be decided, on the working time instruments;

(e) invited the Office to take the necessary steps immediately in regard to the juridical replacement of the Safety Provisions (Building) Recommendation, 1937 (No. 53), the Co-operation in Accident Prevention (Building) Recommendation, 1937 (No. 55), the Vocational Training Recommendation, 1939 (No. 57), the Apprenticeship Recommendation, 1939 (No. 60), the Vocational Guidance Recommendation, 1949 (No. 87), the Vocational Training (Adults) Recommendation, 1950 (No. 88), the Vocational Training (Agriculture) Recommendation, 1956 (No. 101), the Occupational Health Services Recommendation, 1959 (No. 112), the Vocational Training Recommendation, 1962 (No. 117), the Termination of Employment Recommendation, 1963 (No. 119), the Employment (Women with Family Responsibilities) Recommendation, 1965 (No. 123), the Co-operatives (Developing Countries) Recommendation, 1966 (No. 127), the Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975 (No. 150), and the Work in Fishing Recommendation, 2005 (No. 196);

(f) requested the Office to commence strategic follow-up within 12 months in relation to the 30 outdated Conventions listed in the SRM TWG Officers’ report, on the terms set out in that report, and decided that the costs of this follow-up would be met through existing resources;

(g) requested the Office to take the necessary steps to ensure the integration of the follow-up as appropriate in the programme of work to implement the 2016 resolution on Advancing Social Justice through Decent Work to be examined at the 329th Session (March 2017) of the Governing Body and in the Programme and Budget proposals for 2018–19;

(h) requested the Office to prepare a proposal for a possible standard-setting item on apprenticeships, recognizing the regulatory gap identified in this regard, for consideration at its 329th Session (March 2017) for inclusion in a future agenda of the International Labour Conference in accordance with the strategic and coherent approach;

(i) decided that the SRM TWG would examine the instruments concerning occupational safety and health (general provisions and specific risks), within set of instruments 6 of the revised initial programme of work, in its third meeting;

(j) convened the third meeting of the SRM TWG from 25 to 29 September 2017.

(Document GB.328/LILS/2/1, paragraph 5.)
