Decision on the 12th item on the agenda: Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards. First report: Legal issues

Record of decisions | 19 November 2010

The Governing Body took note of the report and adopted the following decisions:

First report: Legal issues

Measures relating to the representation of Employers and Workers at the International Labour Conference: Addressing tripartite imbalance within delegations

The Governing Body requested the Office to:

(a) review and, as appropriate, revise the information concerning the composition of Conference delegations relevant to the question of tripartite imbalance in delegations, which is provided with the letter of convocation of the Conference;

(b) bring the content of the debate on this question in the Governing Body to the attention of the Credentials Committee of the Conference; and

(c) submit a new document, taking into account the discussion in the Committee and any relevant developments and findings, for review by the LILS Committee at the 312th Session (November 2011) of the Governing Body.

(Document GB.309/12/1, paragraph 11.)

Constitution of the International Labour Organization: Proposals to introduce inclusive language for the purpose of promoting gender equality

The Governing Body requested the Office to prepare revised texts of a draft resolution of the International Labour Conference and an editor’s note, taking account of the discussion in the LILS Committee, for submission to the Committee at the 310th Session of the Governing Body (March 2011).

(Document GB.309/12/1, paragraph 27.)