Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation

Record of decisions | 19 November 2009

The Governing Body:

– endorsed the Technical Cooperation Strategy as set out in document GB.306/TC/1 and requested the Director-General to implement it; and

– requested the Office to prepare, in collaboration with the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin, a paper on capacity building as a means of technical cooperation for the November 2010 session of the Governing Body.

(Document GB.306/14, paragraph 33.)

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report.

(Document GB.306/14, paragraphs 34 to 56.)

The Governing Body adopted the action plan outlined in document GB.306/TC/3, and requested that it be kept informed, through the Committee on Technical Cooperation, of its implementation.

(Document GB.306/14, paragraph 72.)

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report.

(Document GB.306/14, paragraphs 73 to 89.)

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report.

(Document GB.306/14, paragraphs 90 to 94.)

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report.

(Document GB.306/14, paragraph 95.)