Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation

Record of decisions | 08 July 2009

The Governing Body:

(a) requested the Director-General to continue to promote efforts to engage the ILO in international development trends, in particular, aid effectiveness and UN reform;

(b) requested the Office to prepare a paper to be submitted to the Committee on Technical Cooperation at the 306th Session (November 2009) of the Governing Body on:

n issues, lessons learned and challenges experienced by the ILO constituents in the “Delivering as One” pilots to develop a strategy for ensuring attention to employment and decent work and better involvement of tripartite constituents in the UN reform process;

n in this connection, further developing a capacity-building plan and resource strategy, to prepare ILO constituents and staff for the 90 UNDAFs planned over the next three years, fully taking into account the integrated approach set out in the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, the priorities of the Decent Work Country Programmes, and the Strategic Policy Framework 2010–15;

n enhancing the ILO’s technical cooperation strategy, including in relation to resource mobilization, to ensure that donor funding is aligned with the decent work outcomes and priorities as set out in the Strategic Policy Framework and programme and budget, and that, where possible, it is predictable and easily allocated to areas of greatest need; and with appropriately harmonized reporting requirements.

(Document GB.304/13(Rev.), paragraph 30.)

The Governing Body encouraged the Director-General to continue to strengthen the ILO’s technical cooperation programme to ensure that it effectively discharges the role foreseen in the implementation of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization.

(Document GB.304/13(Rev.), paragraph 54.)

The Governing Body took note of these parts of the report.

(Document GB.304/13(Rev.), paragraphs 55–76.)