
Update on building questions: Headquarters building renovation project and ILO-owned premises in Abidjan

This document provides updates on the headquarters building renovation project and the ILO-owned premises in Abidjan, as well as the financial matters related to each. On the headquarters building renovation project, the document provides information on the current status of phase 1, developments related to the sale of the vacant ILO land, conclusion of the lease agreement with the United Nations Children’s Fund, and measures being put in place to prepare for phase 2, including the security perimeter. It also contains a proposal on the way forward for the project and a draft decision on advance use of the Building and Accommodation Fund to repay the loan from the host Government. On the ILO premises in Abidjan, the document provides an update on the key developments since March 2018 and the Office’s recommendation to redevelop the premises with consideration for potential future rental income from surplus space. It also contains a proposal on the way forward for the project and a draft decision on its pre-financing from the Building and Accommodation Fund.