GB.340/INS/7(Rev.1)/decision and related comments

Decision concerning the mid-term report on the Implementation of the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2018–21

Record of decisions | 22 October 2020
The Governing Body, by correspondence, requested the Director-General to:

(a) redouble efforts to implement the 2020–21 phase of the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2018–21 and improve results, taking into account the Governing Body’s guidance and lessons learned;

(b) identify concrete measures and steps to accelerate action in specific indicators, including on leadership and staffing, to improve results with a view to achieving gender equality at the ILO, and provide these for information to the Governing Body as soon as possible; and

(c) report to the Governing Body on the results of an evaluation of the Action Plan 2018–21, along with the proposed approach of the subsequent Action Plan, in early 2022, with a view to a heightened strategic positioning of the ILO in the United Nations reform.

(GB.340/INS/7(Rev.1), paragraph 27)

Comments received when the decision was adopted

Compilation of all comments received