ILO and World Employment Confederation Webinar

Covid-19: Activation for recovery

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Employment Confederation (WEC) are jointly organising the second in the series of the 2020 summer webinars on 25th September 2020 from 10-11:30 am on Active Labour Market Policies for Recovery. It brings together social partners, representatives from public and private employment services, government policymakers and academia to discuss labour market activation in the wake of the Covid-19 Crisis.

The webinar focused on the policies and programmes for the recovery to facilitate smooth and faster reintegration of workers in productive and decent employment. The first session has set the scene by reviewing the lessons learnt from past crises, what we know about policies and programmes being implemented, with perspectives from the OECD, private and public employment services. A consensus on promoting skills as part of job retention schemes has been hightlighted as one important action to take to support effective activation for recovery.

 The second session of the webinar explored the skilling challenges that have been engendered by the pandemic, the importance of training as part of the response to Covid-19 and the access of digital tools and skills for recovery. The Webinar also addressed how to finance the skilling challenge. Key challenge is to prioritise and earmark public and private expenditures for skilling and education. Innovative solutions need to be explored, including (mandatory) cost sharing between governments, employers and workers.

Key takeaways

The webinar has shed light on:

• Latest insights on shaping Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) policies in response to the Covid-19 crisis
• How public and private employment services can contribute to labour market activation for recovery
• Rethinking skills policies for recovery
• Financing ALMPs and Skilling under fiscal constraints

Related documents:

- Programme 
- Presentation slides:

- Final report


- Mr. Sangheon Lee, Director, ILO Employment Policy Department
- Ms. Annemarie Muntz, President, World Employment Confederation
- Mr. Tom Hadley, Moderator
- Ms. Kristine Langenbucher, Activation team, OECD Employment Labour and Social Affairs Department (TBC)
- Mr. Denis Pennel, Managing Director, World Employment Confederation
- Ms. Susanne Kraatz, Expert, World Association of Public Employment Services
- Paul Comyn, Senior Skills and Employability Specialist, ILO Skills and Employability Branch
- Ms. Murielle Antille, Chair Career Management Taskforce, World Employment Confederation
- Mr. Pedro Moreno da Fonseca, Technical Specialist on Lifelong Learning, ILO Skills and Employability Branch

For any information about the webinar, please contact: