The Decent Jobs for Youth Annual Conference

The Decent Jobs for Youth annual conference in 2019 will run under the theme Rights and Voices of Youth, promoting an inclusive and rights-based youth employment agenda that allows youth to find their voice and advance their interests.

The conference will provide a global platform for governments, social partners, youth and civil society, private sector, UN entities and others to foster collaboration on decent jobs for youth under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Conference objectives

The conference will bring together governments, social partners, academia, youth and civil society organizations, private sector, foundations, regional and multilateral organizations, and many more partners to:

1. Stimulate innovative thinking on job creation strategies that foster the rights and voices of young people.
2. Facilitate a dialogue and broker collaboration among participants.
3. Mobilize political will and resources to scale up investment and impact in youth employment.

To learn more click here.