Support to Kinofelis Public Works Programme in Greece

Kinofelis (Public Benefit in Greek) is a public works scheme targeted at the long-term unemployed in Greece. It is implemented in partnership with all the municipalities in Greece who identify and implement suitable projects for the long-term unemployed to work on. The current phase of the programme offers 45,000 participant eight months of work on a municipal project at the official minimum wage and with all required social security contributions.

The project “Support to a new generation of Public Works Schemes (Kinofelis) in Greece” was implemented by the Employment Intensive Investment Programme of the ILO from 1 September 2016 to 30 November 2017. The project was supported by the Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) of the European Commission and the main focus was on supporting the Greek Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, its relevant agencies and the municipalities implementing the programme.

The wide range of support provided by the project to the Greek Authorities, which has generated key lessons learned, can be categorised in five sets of outcomes. These and the relevant outputs are presented below:

Improved programme Design
The ILO team worked closely with all stakeholders to improve various design elements of the programme including the types of projects selected, targeting of participants and implementation procedures to make them more effective and efficient. As part of this work, a Programme Implementation Manual, including Annexes, as well as Recommendations for further improvements were produced.

Capacity Building
Two different training programmes targeted at municipalities were developed. The first training programme focused on improving project selection, and the second on overall programme implementation. The training emphasized peer to peer learning among municipalities and was made available to all municipalities in Greece through 14 training workshops (see Report on Kinofelis Training Workshops for Municipalities). In addition three online training tools were developed, the first Explaining Kinofelis, the second on the Project Selection, and the third on the Rights and Responsibilities of programme participants.

Communication, Monitoring and Reporting
In order to improve communication and access to information for participants, municipalities and the general public the project developed a website for the Kinofelis programme ( To improve monitoring and reporting, the project harmonized the reporting requirements and created an Web-based electronic platform for reporting, as well as a dashboard showing progress (

Improving the evaluation of Kinofelis was also a key priority and an evaluation of the social impacts on participants, their household and communities was conducted. The evaluation was done through surveys of participants as they entered and exited Kinofelis and Focus Groups Discussions and the findings are captured in the report “Getting back to work: A study of the social impacts of Kinofelis”.