Work4Youth project national reports

The W4Y Publication Series is designed to disseminate data and analyses generated from the School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) administered by the ILO in 28 countries covering five regions of the world. The SWTS is a unique survey instrument that generates relevant labour market information on young people aged 15 to 29 years. The survey captures longitudinal information on transitions within the labour market, thus providing evidence of the increasingly tentative and indirect paths to decent and productive employment that today’s young men and women face.
The W4Y Publications Series covers national reports, with main survey findings and details on current national policy interventions in the area of youth employment, and regional synthesis reports that highlight regional patterns in youth labour market transitions and distinctions in national policy frameworks.

This Project is a five-year partnership between the ILO and The MasterCard Foundation that aims to promote decent work opportunities for young men and women through knowledge and action.
  1. Transition vers le marché du travail des jeunes femmes et hommes au Bénin

    17 December 2013

    Ce rapport présente les principaux enseignements de l'Enquête sur la Transition vers la Vie Active (ETVA) effectuée en 2012 et conduite avec l’Institut National de la Statistique et de l’Analyse Economique (INSAE) du Bénin dans le cadre du projet « Work4Youth » du BIT.

  2. Transition vers le marché du travail des jeunes femmes et hommes en République Togolaise

    28 November 2013

    Ce rapport présente les principaux enseignements de l'Enquête sur la Transition vers la Vie Active (ETVA) effectuée en 2012 et conduite avec la Direction Générale de la Statistique et de la Comptabilité Nationale du Togo dans le cadre du projet «Work4Youth» du BIT.

  3. Labour market transitions of young women and men in Zambia

    20 November 2013

    This report presents the highlights of the 2012 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) and Labour Demand Enterprise Survey (LDES) run together with IPSOS Zambia within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth Project.

  4. Labour market transitions of young women and men in Malawi

    31 October 2013

    This report presents the highlights of the 2012 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) implemented by the National Statistics Office of the Republic of Malawi within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth Project.

  5. Labour market transitions of young women and men in Liberia

    30 October 2013

    This report presents the highlights of the 2012 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) and Labour Demand Enterprise Survey (LDES)run together with the Liberian Institute of Statistics and Geo-information Services within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth project.

  6. Labour market transitions of young women and men in Cambodia

    17 September 2013

    This report presents the highlights of the 2012 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS)which was implemented, in Cambodia, by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), Ministry of Planning, with funding from the ILO “Work4Youth” partnership with The MasterCard Foundation.

  7. Премин на младите жени и мажи на пазарот на трудот во поранешна југословенска Република Македонија

    07 August 2013

  8. Labour market transitions of young women and men in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

    07 August 2013

    This report presents the highlights of the 2012 School-to-work Transition Survey (SWTS) run together with the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia within the framework of the ILO Work4Youth Project.