ProAgro Ethiopia: Project Highlights. December 2020 - May 2021

The projects aims to support the Government of Ethiopia by contributing to the creation of more and better jobs in the agribusiness sector.

Project documentation | 19 May 2021
Project highlights from December 2020 to May 2021 include, among others: A baseline diagnostic of the investment promotion system in Ethiopia, from an employment perspective; a Rapid Skills Assessment (RSA) of the agro-processing sector during the COVID-19 pandemic to identify skills and labour deficiencies, shortages and surpluses resulting from the impact of the pandemic and to recommend effective reskilling and upskilling measures in the sector; a sector and region selection study that aimed to provide an objective way for the project to narrow its scope in identifying sectors and regions where its implementation would have high potential impact, and; a Market System Analysis (MSA) study that builds on the sector and region selection for three sectors (fruit and vegetables, poultry and edible oil).

For additional information about the ProAgro Ethiopia project or the above activities, please contact Ms Ruchika Bahl, Project CTA on