Productivity and working conditions in SMEs: A course for policy-makers

This 5-day course will enhance the skills of policy makers and practitioners to assess and design policies to improve productivity and working conditions in SMEs.

Type: training
When: 13 – 17 March 2017
Venue: International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin, Italy

To get more information and apply online

Around the globe SMEs are the main providers of employment but show significantly lower levels of productivity than large enterprises. In SMEs low productivity often coexists with poor working conditions, low market share, a low skilled workforce and ineffective management practices.
This training course hopes to inspire policy makers and practitioners to adopt a systemic approach to SME productivity that encompasses an effective combination of macro- and meso-level policies, the creation of a conducive business environment, the strengthening of SME support institutions together with interventions at the enterprise level. Special attention will be given to strategies to promote productivity at the firm level and ways to scale-up firm level productivity programmes.