Investing in solutions: A practical guide for the use of microfinance in UNHCR operations

This guide informs potential managers and implementers of livelihood programmes (programme staff, field staff, protection officers, senior managers) on the use of microfinance as part of a broader livelihoods strategy. The policy framework specifically addresses UNHCR decision-makers. The guide builds upon UNHCR and the ILO's work "Introduction to microfinance in conflict-affected communities" (2002) and "Lessons learned from UNHCR’s experiences with microfinance" (2010), as well as evolving practices in the field of microfinance. The guide provides practical information and tools to assess the appropriateness of microfinance in a conflict-affected community and to design sustainable microfinance interventions that will help UNHCR to meet its objectives. The guide includes concrete tools to help design, monitor and evaluate sustainable microfinance projects, including sample templates, formats and checklists.