Logframe for Boosting Youth Employment Project

Logframe | 15 May 2007

Boosting Youth Employment using an integrated approach in the framework of DWCPs

Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan RER/06/52/NET under INT/06/MO1/NET July 2006 – April 2010

Project Strategy

Outcome indicators

Sources of verification


Contribution to poverty reduction, addressing actual and potential economic exclusion of young women and men,

through the promotion of effective policies for productive and decent employment and self-employment prospects

A- Responsive labour market for effective promotion of productive and safe employment for young women and men (job placement)

B- Enabling environment and improved enterprise culture for young entrepreneurs (with sustainable start-up and growth)

C- Effective and socially responsible employment policies in place for absorbing larger numbers of young women and men (community based and employment intensive)

- Intermediate and End of Project Evaluation (with specific focus on youth, +gender and safe work issues)

- Policy documents referring to project data and lessons learnt with regard to tested services, service linkages and I-YES case studies

- The final project outcome will be externally evaluated upon completion of the project.

- Impact and sustainability of the outcomes (as these should contribute to the DWCP priorities will be evaluated within 12 to 24 months after completion of the project).

Immediate objective 1:

To create an enabling policy environment for Integrated Youth Employment Strategies (I-YES) within the framework of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCP)

1.1 Project implemented within the framework of DWCP

1.2 Annual gender disaggregated updates of Youth Labour Market Information initiated by constituents

1.3 Joint engendered analysis of Youth LMI, youth employment and I-YES pilot results by constituents

1.4 Coherent implementation of National Action Plans for Youth Employment, involving competent national institutions (GO’s and NGO’s) and the private sector (as Country Advisory Teams)

1.5 Constituents formulated youth related recommendations for policy reforms based on ILS, social dialogue and I-YES pilots

- Evaluation reports on the DWCP implementation

- Progress Reports

- Minutes of Project Steering Committees and Workgroups

- Media appearances, ILO website and relevant ILO publications

- National YE SITAN SWTS updates

- I-YES case studies

- NAPYE updates

- List of youth related policy recommendations

-i- Commitment of constituents to the Decent Work Agenda and full ownership of the Decent Work Country Programme

-ii- Political commitment to addressing critical youth employment issues in selected key sectors

-iii- Political commitment for addressing unsafe labour practices

-iv- Political commitment an enabling environment for youth in small business development

-v- Receptive environment for the promotion of gender mainstreaming throughout the project operations and activities

-vi- Overall political environment sufficiently stable and safe for project implementation

And also:

-vii- Full project team, project implementation units and National project Steering Committees timely operational in both countries

-viii- National resource mobilisation feasible for service expansion to other regions and sectors

Immediate objective 2:

To institutionalize employment and self-employment service packages, made accessible to young women and men, also promoting safe work and gender equality

2.1 Critical information for youth in the world of work made available to young women and men

2.2 Modular skills training programme institutionalised

2.3 Modular entrepreneurship training programmes institutionalised in and out of school

2.4 “Health as asset” promoted in all service packages

2.5 Web-based quality management system in place

2.6 Sustainability models developed for all service packages with gender issues being mainstreamed

- Toolkit for young women and men

- ILO Licenses and certificates for key facilitators and master trainers

- ILO printing and redistribution licenses issued to printing houses

- MoUs with Strategic Service Providers

- Data base on training and performances

- Sustainability models

Immediate objective 3:

To develop Integrated Youth Employment Strategies (I-YES) piloted in Capital City and selected smaller cities and rural areas, with a focus on identified key sectors (as per the DWCP and constituents’ preferences)

3.1 Relevant project pilots selected and planned with constituents

3.2 Relevant local appraisals carried out in selected localities

3.3 Value chains and/or options for investment programmes identified (carrying employment potential for young women and men)

3.4 Services and service linkages established for job placement

3.5 Essential services and service linkages for self-employment established locally (in pilots)

3.6 Strategic partnership set up between ILO, its constituents, relevant local institutions (GO’s and NGO’s) and local businesses

- Local assessments (Local SITAN-YE, BDS-RMA, RRA, sector and value chain assessment, business culture assessment)

- Local Action Plans and updates for YE

- Sector analysis by Local Employment Services

- I-YES case studies

- tracer studies on school leavers and all identified categories of trainees

Project Strategy


Output indicators

Sources of verification

Immediate objective 1:

To create an enabling policy environment for Integrated Youth Employment Strategies (I-YES) within the framework of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCP)

Output 1.1

Constituents have an integrated analytical framework and expert support structure for assessing, monitoring and promoting youth employment

(CAT-YE = Country Advisory Team on Youth Employment)

1.1.1 Facilitate that constituents timely complete and sign DWCP

1.1.2 Facilitate that constituents carry out situational analysis and updates on youth employment (SITAN-YE)

1.1.3 Conduct gender analysis of the Labour Market with focus on youth

1.1.4 Consolidate and present findings of various conferences, surveys and analysis for policy advice

1.1.5 Organise knowledge sharing workshops for the constituents to strengthen youth employment policies

1.1.6 Assist constituents in developing own youth employment strategies

1.1.7 Identify and prepare competent representatives from public and private sector to join the CAT-YE

1.1.8 Facilitate participation of constituents and CAT-YE representatives in knowledge sharing events and exchange programmes

1.1.9 Prepare CAT-YE to provide expert advice based on I-YES pilots and international best practices

1.1.10 Assist constituents in joint I-YES proposals through dialogue

1.1.11 Present project, youth LMI and pilots on ILO website, in articles and on various e-platforms

1.1.12 Organise National Conferences on youth employment and safe work

1.1.1 Annual conference papers on youth employment

1.1.2 Youth employment policy recommendations formulated by constituents

1.1.3 National action plans on youth employment integrated in NEP, reflecting ILC resolution 2005 on Youth Employment

1.1.4 Portfolio of at least 5 Integrated Youth Employment Strategies formulated by the constituents and ready for implementation

1.1.5 Country Advisory Teams on Youth Employment (CAT-YE) set up and sustained (meeting at least twice a year) composed of tripartite, public and private sector experts (- experts platform to advice on youth employment concepts, pilots and international “best practices” -)

Sources of verification:

- DWCP evaluations

- Consolidated and gender disaggregated SWTS and SITAN-YE and updates

- Minutes of the National Project Steering Committee and the CAT-YE meetings

- NAP-YE and updates

- ILO website BYE pages

- YE policy statement by employers and unions

-Conference papers, workshop reports and Project Progress Reports

Main assumptions:

- Constituents see their role as facilitators and innovators for the youth labour market, rather than as project implementers

- Constituents actively support the formation of a Country Advisory Team on Youth Employment (CAT-YE)

- The CAT-YE is able to internalise the relevant competency fields

Output 1.2

Capacities of ILO constituents are strengthened to effectively apply ILO standards, aimed at ensuring an enabling policy environment for decent employment and self employment of young women and men

1.2.1 Set up gender working group

1.2.2 Conduct gender capacity building workshops for constituents & strategic partners with specific focus on youth (also in pilot regions; see output 3.1)

1.2.3 Contribute and benefit from knowledge-sharing events on GM

1.2.4 Develop or adapt tools to increase awareness on the ILO gender equality conventions relevant to youth

1.2.5 Design strategies and organize campaigns to promote ILO gender equality standards critical for youth

1.2.1 At least 4 GM tools adapted or developed and applied by constituents and key partners

1.2.2 Recommendations for focussed action on YE and GM in the implementation of NEP

1.2.3 Recommendations to improve national policies and practices in accordance with ILO conventions 156 and 183

Sources of verification:

- Various assessments

- Minutes of gender working group

- Minutes of OSH working group

- Workshop reports and Project Progress Reports

- Recommendations by the CAT-YE

Main assumption:

- Project actors are fully committed to a broad definition of sustainable and socially responsible development and to implement the ILO conventions and recommendations

1.2.6 Develop in pilots capacity to promote a positive enterprise culture (ILO recommendation 189)

1.2.7 Promote youth employment dimension in private sector programs

1.2.4 Annual updates of value chain analysis, enterprise culture assessment and relevant appraisals carried out in pilots, also promoting policy reforms

1.2.8 Identify OSH partners

1.2.9 Reinforce OSH network to focus on youth in specific trades and sectors (and to organise “health is an asset à safe work” campaigns)

1.2.9 Establish link between immediate project beneficiaries and health inspectors regarding pilots

1.2.5 Strategy developed for promoting safe and productive work (“health is an asset”) throughout I-YES pilots

1.2.6 “Safe work” campaign with reference made to pilots, convention 187 (OSH) and national OSH profile