
Academy on the Green Economy


The Academy on the Green Economy, a 2-week training and learning event hosted by the ILO International Training Centre (ITC-ILO) in Turin, Italy, is organized within the framework of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).

The PAGE capacity building strategy seeks to strengthen the knowledge and skills of national policymakers, technical staff, practitioners and other public and private-sector stakeholders, to actively promote environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economies through policy and strategy development.

The Academy offers a unique opportunity for inspiration and guidance through global knowledge-sharing, comprehensive and peer-reviewed training materials, quality programmes and resources, and different learning methodologies. Led by the ILO, it will bring together technical knowledge and experience from each of the PAGE partners, as well as other high-level experts.Learning objective
By attending the Academy, participants will have increased their ability to analyse the opportunities and challenges for the promotion of a socially inclusive green economy. They will also have gained in-depth understanding of suitable approaches, tested tools and best practices at national and sectoral levels that will contribute to building long term institutional capacities.

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is a 7-year programme launched in response to the appeal made at Rio+20 for the UN system to support countries interested in pursuing the transition to a green economy within the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. It uses the joint expertise of UN agencies – UNEP, ILO, UNIDO, UNITAR, UNDP and others – to progressively assist a total of 30 countries in their efforts to transition to environmentally viable and socially inclusive economies.

PAGE seeks to create enabling conditions in participating countries by: identifying critical bottlenecks, assessing investment options and formulating policies to encourage the creation of a new generation of assets such as clean technologies, resource-efficient infrastructure, well-functioning ecosystems, green skilled labour, job-rich growth, and good governance.

Learning objective

By attending the Academy, participants will have increased their ability to analyse the opportunities and challenges for the promotion of a socially inclusive green economy. They will also have gained in-depth understanding of suitable approaches, tested tools and best practices at national and sectoral levels that will contribute to building long term institutional capacities.

Target group
  • Policy makers, technical staff and stakeholders from civil society organizations, trade unions, employers’ organizations, cooperatives, knowledge and research institutions, in current PAGE countries;
  • Delegates from other interested countries which are adopting green economy strategies;
  • Staff and practitioners from partner/interested agencies and donors.
The Academy will be structured around PAGE’s approach in supporting the formulation, adoption and implementation of inclusive green economy policies and strategies. In complementarity to PAGE’s national institutional capacity building strategies, this event, with global outreach, will also focus on the sharing of practices at all levels – national, policy, sectoral, value chain and enterprise – in order to offer participants fact-based learning. Topics include: green economy concepts, definitions and approaches; quantitative modelling options; the interplay between international trade law, macroeconomic policies and green-economy measures; green jobs and decent work; skill-needs analysis and development programmes; strategies for the greening of economic sectors, industries and enterprises; and social inclusion and gender equality.
The faculty, representative of the collective experience of PAGE partners, national stakeholders and collaborating agencies, will consist of: international experts, trainers, practitioners and policy-makers from different regions. The learning approach used by the ILO International Training Centre seeks to develop human resources and institutional capabilities, by encouraging participants to:
  • Customize their learning experience according to their individual and organizational needs;
  • Share knowledge and experience with a large international community of practitioners;
  • Establish networks with other national, regional or global organizations and centres of excellence.
Fees: 3,500 Euros. This includes full board and lodging in Turin, registration fees, tuition and insurance. Travel expenses are not included. To pre-enrol, please express your interest on-line before 18 August 2014 at: http://intranetp.itcilo.org/STF/A907080/en; For more information: ITC-ILO • http://www.itcilo.org/greenjobs • greenjobs@itcilo.org • +39 011 6936768