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Slovakia - Minimum Wages - 2011


27 June 2012


Name of Act

Labour Code of the Slovak Republic- Slovakia. Collection of Laws, years 2001-2011, full wording January 2012.
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Name of Act

Act No. 633/2007 on minimum wages (Zakon o minimalnej mzde) of 5 December 2007.

Name of Act

Ordinance No. 343/2011, fixing the minimum wage for 2012 (Zbierka zákonov c. 343/2011) of 12 October 2011

Name of Act

Act No. 125/2006 on Labour Inspection, as amended up to Act No. 48/2012.

Name of Act

Act on Collective Bargaining No. 2/1991, as amended to 2009 (Zmena: 400/2009).

Name of Act

Ordinance No. 408/2010, fixing the minimum wage for 2011 (Zbierka zákonov c. 408/2010) of 13 October 2010



An employee shall be a natural person who in labour-law relations and, if stipulated by special regulation also in similar labour relations, performs dependent work for the employer.
Labour Code Art.11


An employer shall be a legal person or natural person employing at least one natural person in labour-law relation and, if so stipulated by a special regulation, also in similar labour relations.
Labour Code Art.7


"Wage" shall be financial settlement or settlement of a financial value (wages in kind), that an employer is obliged to provide to an employee in exchange of work.
Labour Code Art.118(1)(2)

Minimum wage

Minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that the employer must pay to the employee according to the degree of work difficulty of the relevant job.
Labour Code Art.119(1),120(1)



Government decides after tripartite or bipartite body discussions/recommendations

The adjustment of the minimum wage is set by Law based on an agreement between the social partners (representatives of employers and representatives of employees). If the social partners are unable to agree on its level, the government decides on it unilaterally, by taking into consideration the growth rate of the average monthly nominal wage in the previous year.
Labour Code Art.119(1)
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.7, 8

Minimum wage set through decentralized collective bargaining

Wage rates in collective agreements may not be lower than the minimum wage rates set by the government. High-level collective agreements, which cover a large number of employers and have been concluded between the respective superior trade union body and the employers’ organisation(s), may be extended by the Ministry of Labour to become binding on employers not covered by the initial agreement.
Act on Collective Bargaining No. 2/1991 Art.7
Labour Code Art.119(2)


Needs of workers and their families

Yes - In order to fix the minimum wage rate, it shall be considered, among other factors, the subsistence level.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.6(d)

Cost of living

Yes - Yes - In order to fix the minimum wage rate, it shall be considered, among other factors, the consumer prices.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.6(a)

Level of wages and incomes in the country

Yes - In order to fix the minimum wage rate, it shall be considered, among other factors, the average wages in the Slovak Republic.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.6(c)

Economic development

Yes - In order to fix the minimum wage rate, it shall be considered, among other factors, the socio-economic situation in the Slovak Republic at least in the previous two years.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.6

Level of employment

Yes - In order to fix the minimum wage rate, it shall be considered, among other factors, the expected development of employment.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.6(b)

Other provisions

In order to fix the basic minimum wage rate, it shall be taken into account the overall economic and social situation in the Slovak Republic for the two calendar years preceding the year for which the new rate is being propose.
More specifically it shall be considered the consumer prices, the rates of employment, the average monthly wage in the Slovak economy Republic and the subsistence rate.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.6



The Labour Code shall govern individual labour-law relations in connection with the performance of dependent work by natural persons for legal persons or natural persons and collective labour-law relations.

It applies to public servants, employees of churches and religious communities which perform clerical activities, employees of private security services, crew members of Slovak ships and professional sports people, unless stipulated otherwise by a special regulation. It also apply to Labour-law relations between a cooperative and its members.

The Labour Code applies to all employees (including aliens and stateless person) working in the Slovak republic for foreign employers, unless stipulated otherwise by regulation on private international law.
Labour Code Arts.1-5

Specific minimum wage rates

» Specific minimum wage by occupation

If an employee’s remuneration is not determined in a collective agreement, and instead by Law, the employer is obliged to pay the employee a minimum wage that is determined according to the difficulty of the position. The scale ranges from level 1, the basic minimum wage; to level 6, twice the basic minimum wage.
Labour Code Art.120(4)

» Specific minimum wage by sector


» Specific minimum wage by region


» Minimum wage levels for specific categories of workers

» Youth


» Disabled


» Other categories

Where an employee is paid a monthly salary but has not worked all working days or has agreed a shorter weekly working time, the monthly rate of minimum wage claim in EUR shall be reduced in proportion to the amount of time worked in the month.
Labour Code Art.120(6)


Minimum wage level(s) in national currency

From 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012 the basic minimum wage is set in EUR 327,20 per month and 1,88 EUR per hour.
From 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011 the basic minimum wage is set in EUR 317,00 per month and 1,82 EUR per hour.
Ordinance No. 343/2011 Art.1
Ordinance No. 408/2010 Art.1

Last minimum wage update

1 January 2012
Ordinance No. 343/2011

In-kind allowances

Wages may be paid partially in kind, excluding the amount up to the minimum wage.
Products, operations and services may be provided by the employer as wages in kind only with the consent of the employee and under conditions agreed with him/her.
In case part of the wage is provided in kind, this part shall be expressed the correspondance in cash. Wages in kind in the form of spirits or other addictive substances shall not be permitted.

The following items shall not be deemed to be wages: severance allowances, discharge benefit, travel reimbursement including non-mandatory travel reimbursement, contributions from a social fund, contributions to supplementary pension saving funds, contributions to an employee´s life insurance, revenues from capital holdings (shares) or bonds, a tax bonus, income compensation for an employee´s temporary incapacity for work, supplementary sickness insurance, compensation for work standby, monetary compensations for the termination of employment relationship, and other payments provided to an employee in relation to employment pursuant to this Act.
Labour Code Art.127(1)(2)(3), 118(2)

Rate of payment

» Hourly

Yes. The Law provides yearly the basic minimum wage rate per month and per hour.
Ordinance No. 343/2011 Art.1a)b)

» Monthly

Yes. The Law provides yearly the basic minimum wage rate per month and per hour.
Ordinance No. 343/2011 Art.1a)b)

Scheduled frequency of adjustment

The basic minimum wage rate is adjusted yearly for the period of January 1st to December 31st and shall be published in October of the preceding year.
Act No. 633/2007 on the minimum wage rate Art.9(2)

Enforcement mechanisms

Labour inspection

The Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, the National Labor Inspectorate and labor inspectorates, shall carry out labour inspections in order to enforce the protection of employees at work and to supervise the adherance to labour law regulations.
Act on Labour Inspection Art.1,2,3

Fines in national currency for non-respect of legislation

The labour inspectorate is authorized to impose a fine to an employer for violation of obligations implied by this Act, including wages conditions and working conditions, and for violations of duties implied by collective agreements, up to the amount of EUR 100 000, and if the violation resulted in a work accident causing death or severe damage to one’s health, at least EUR 33 000.
Act on Labour Inspection Art.19(1a),2(1a)

Results generated on: 20th April 2024 at 00:19:33.
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