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Golden Sky 1[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00325
Nom du navire:Golden Sky 1[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):8914087
Port d'abandon:Sharjah Hamriya anchorage, UAE
Date d'abandon:14 janvier 2018
Date de notification:14 janvier 2018
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:9 complaining, crew of 19
Nationalités:Inde(7); République arabe syrienne(2)
Circonstances:Crew stranded since 20 May 2017 at Sharjah anchorage. Between 16 and 5 months outstanding wages. Several crew have unattended health problems.
Actions entreprises:23 janvier 2018: Autres
Attempting to contact owner.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:23 janvier 2018: En attente de rapatriement

All crew have been repatriated.
Paiement des salaires:23 janvier 2018: En attente de paiement
USD 247,166 – outstanding at end November 2017
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Panama (24 janvier 2018)
From: "Labormar"
To: "'Gabriela Ceron'"
Date: 23 January 2018 20:44:29 GMT

Gabriela Ceron
Administrative Assistant
Permanent Mission of Panama to the IMO
Panama Maritime Authority
London, United Kingdom

Dear Mrs. Ceron,

Warmest greetings from the Panama Maritime Authority on behalf the Maritime Labour Affairs Department.

In this opportunity, please be advice that on November 8th, 2017, this General Directorate was informed through an email by the International Transport Worker¡¦s Federation of the situation presented on board the vessel ¡§GOLDEN SKY I¡¨, with Statutory Patent of Navigation No.4050809-A, Call Sign 3FAC6, IMO No. 8914087, property of MR. SALIM HOMOUD AL DAJANI, regarding owed salaries, provisions and repatriation.

Concerning the situation this General Directorate,

„« Started communication with the with the Legal Representative (International Shipping Bureau) through emails on November 13th, 2017, and Note No. ALM-100-2017, on November 13th, 2017, explaining the situation.
„« We request the restriction of the ship, then we request the sanction of it.
„« We are waiting for managers to tell us when they are going to pay the salaries and to repatriate the crew.

In this sense we will continue communicating with those involved, in order to provide a prompt solution to this case.

Kind regards,

Gouv. de Panama (31 décembre 2020)
Through Email dated February 11, 2018, Consulate of Panama at EUA indicated that the salaries were paid.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (28 janvier 2021)
All crew have been repatriated. No confirmation of outstanding monies having been paid and there is no longer any communication with the crew. RESOLVED.

Saisie: jeudi - 28 janvier 2021 a 17:17:43
Dernière mise à jour: mercredi - 3 février 2021 a 16:06:21
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale