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[Cormorant - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00128
Ship name:[Cormorant - resolved]
Flag:St. Vincent & Grenadines
7-digit IMO no.:6602599
Port of abandonment:Frederiksvaerk, Denmark
Abandonment date:5 January 2010
Notification date:6 January 2010
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:3
Nationalities:Ghana(2); Russian Federation(1)
Circumstances:Owner/Capt. left the ship before 15 December 2009. Crew not paid since Sept. No contact with owner/capt. Situation on board is very bad with no food, water or oil supplies and crew suffering from illness.
Actions taken:14 January 2010: Vessel arrested by the Port State
Port State Control detained the ship.
Repatriation status:14 January 2010: Repatriation pending

31 March 2010: Repatriated
All seafarers repatriated, the repatriation was financed through a donation from the Danish Government Seamens's Service, member of ICSW(The International Committee on Seafarers Welfare).
Payment status:14 January 2010: Payment Pending
App. US$15,000 wages outstanding.
Comments and Observations:ITF (25 November 2016)
Case resolved

Entered: Friday - 25 November 2016 at 15:50:52
Last updated: Friday - 25 November 2016 at 15:51:21
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization