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Ordinance (No. 761 of 2016) amending the Ordinance (No. 1357 of 2011) concerning the performance of work, use of work equipment and associated technical requirements (Ordinance on the performance of work).

Main Region

First Region

Occupational safety and health
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Forskrift (Nr 761 af 2016) om endring i forskrift (Nr 1357 af 2011) om utførelse av arbeid, bruk av arbeidsutstyr og tilhørende tekniske krav (forskrift om utførelse av arbeid).
Amends article 1-4 no.24 concerning ionizing radiation, article 1-4 no.29 regarding artificial optical radiation, ultraviolet radiation, visible radiation of infrared radiation, article 6-7 ss.2 concerning protective equipment, article 14-2 ss.2 concerning measurement of hand and arm vibrations, article 17-2 ss.3a, 3b and 3e concerning safety on assembly of scaffolding structures, article 17-4 ss.2a and 2c regarding health and safety assembly of scaffolding structures, article 31-1 ss.1b concerning workers who may or may be exposed to substances, preparations or processes, articles 31-2 ss.2 p.1, 31-3 ss.1 p.2, 31-4 ss.1 and 31-5 ss.2 p .1 concerning content in the employer's register of employees.

Introduces a new no. 14 to article 1-4 concening electromagnetic field (whereas present no.14-48 becomes new no.15-49), a new article 10-4 regarding requirements for equipment-specific training (whereas present articles 10-4 to 10-22 becomes new articles 10-5 to 10-23) and a new chapter 16a concerning electromagnetic fields.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

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