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Notification No. 292/2008 of the Ministry of Health on details, extent and content of execution of occupational health services, the composition of the team of experts implementing the services and their qualification requirements.

Main Region

First Region

Occupational safety and health
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Vyhláska Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky o podrobnostiach o rozsahu a náplni výkonu pracovnej zdravotnej sluzby, o zlození tímu odborníkov, ktorí ju vykonávajú, a o poziadavkách na ich odbornú spôsobilosť
Section 1: Details on extent and content of performance of occupational health services
Section 2: Details on composition of team of experts, who perform occupational health service, and on requirements for their qualifications
Section 3: Common and transitory provisions
Final provisions (Sections 4 and 5)

Repealing Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Zbierka zakonov
    Ciastka 112
    Page range
    pp. 2338-2341