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Consolidated version of the Act No. 312/2001 on public service.

Main Region

First Region

Public and civil servants
Law, Act

Second Region

zákon c. 312/2001 Z. z. o státnej sluzbe a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
Act No. 312/2001 consolidated to 11 May 2004:

First Part: Basic provisions
Second Part: Employment relationship in public service
First Head: Definition of certain terms
Second Head: Commencement, modification and termination of employment relationship in public service
Third Head: Rights and obligations of public servant
Fourth Head: Condition of execution of public service
Fifth Head: Upgrading and deepening of qualifications of public servants
Sixth Head: Remuneration of public servants
Seventh Head: Health care of public servants
Eigth Head: Compensation for damages
Ninth Head: Activity of organs of trade unions
Tenth Head: Common provisions
Eleventh Head: Procedures concerning the working relationship in public service
Third Part: Collective negotiations in public service (all provisions repealed)
Fourth Part: Common, transitory and final provisions

Annex 1: Characteristics of salarial classes of public servants
Annex 2: Salary rates by class
Annex 3: Percentage share of supplement for position of responsibility
Annex 4: Activities which give right to a supplement for work in hasardous working environment
Annex 5: List of personal data in the registry of public servants

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Amended Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Zbierka zákonov
    Ciastka 127
    Page range