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Act (918/2012) amending the Unemployment Security Act (1290/2002).

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First Region

Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki (918/2012) työttömyysturvalain muuttamisesta.
Amends chapter 1 section 3 ss.1, section 5 ss.1 p.10, p.11 and p.14, chapter 2 section 5 ss.2 p.3, section 12 ss.1-5, section 13 ss.1, section 13 ss.2-3, section 14 ss.2, chapter 3 section 2 and section 4 ss.2 p.4-5, chapter 5 section 3 ss.3, section 4 ss.4, section 7 ss.3, section 10 ss.2, section 11, chapter 6 section 3b ss.1, section 3c ss.1-2, section 8 ss.3, chapter 7, section 1 ss.2, section 3 ss.2-3, section 5 ss.2, section 8 ss.1, section 9 ss.2 p.1, chapter 10 section 2 ss.2 and ss.6, section 3, section 6, chapter 11 section 2 ss.4 p.11 and p.18, chapter 13 section 1 ss.1, section 3 ss.1, section 9, chapter 14 section 3a ss.2, section 3d ss.1 (as amended by Acts 1354/2007, 1053/2008, 344/2009, 1188/2009, 313/2010, 1388/2010 and 288/2012) concerning general provisions, labour policy reprehensible procedures, general limits for receiving benefits, conditions for receiving unemployment allowance, unemployment allowance amount and duration, general rules on labour market support, provisions for benefits paid during the period of employment service, provisions enforcement, regulations on the obtaining and disclosing of information and other specific provisions.

Introduces a new p.15 to chapter 1 section 5 ss.1 (as partially amended by Acts 1354/2007, 344/2009, 1199/2009, 313/2010, 1388/2010, 764/2011, 1439/2011 and 288/2012) concerning the definition of employment services.

Repeals chapter 3 section 4 ss.2 p.6 (as amended by Act 1354/2007) and chapter 10 section 1 ss.2 (as amended by Act 1188/2009 and Act 1388/2010).

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